Giving & Community

The Giv Shoppe is one part of a broad community of care we’re building. Together, we support survivors, previvors and caregivers.


Why We Do It

In 2019, Lauren Lopriore started Liv & Let- Thriving Through Breast Cancer to offer the resources she needed during her own fight with cancer and then as a support for friends who had been diagnosed with cancer. Her blog became an information hub of events, information and product recommendations for those who have recently been diagnosed, those going through treatment, those who are learning about their family history and interested in prevention as well as for caregivers. In sharing her story as a young adult cancer survivor, Lauren is creating space and empowering others impacted by breast cancer including previvors, survivors and caregivers.

As a part of that ongoing mission and effort, a percentage of proceeds from the Giv Shoppe will be donated to charities empowering the breast cancer, cancer and mental health communities through research, education and care.

Thrivers & Caregivers

All Survivors, Thrivers & Caregivers, sign up for the Liv & Let newsletter and receive a special discount code to receive 10% each time you shop with Giv Shoppe!

Get your code now

Monthly Donated Crates

Beyond our yearly giving initiative, we look for opportunities to bring love, support and delight to one individual a month by sending a donated care kit to a nominated member or partner of the Liv & Let community.

Nominate Someone for a Monthly Crate

Have a previvor, survivor or caregiver you’d like to see receive a personalized gift of care? Tell us a little about them in the form, and they’ll be in consideration for our monthly donated crate.

*Please nominate one person per month


Leeanna Gantt | Tooktake

In a moment of desperation (or inspiration), Leeanna started making color-coded
sticky note labels: daily, twice a day, hourly. It became our lifeline. They even used it for their dog Ella’s ear medication!

One day, after receiving a breast cancer diagnosis Leeanna searched online for a pre-made version of her sticky note system. Nothing. Zip. Nada. Just pill boxes and complicated apps that didn't fit her needs. That's when the lightbulb went off - if these humble sticky notes had been our lifeline, maybe they could help others too.

Tooktake was born during her cancer battle.They fine-tuned the system throughout her treatment. By the last infusion on Dec. 26, 2018, Tooktake was almost ready to go.

"My hope for Tooktake is simple: that this little idea, born from sticky notes and struggle, will make your life or your loved one's life a little easier. " - Leeanna.

SHOP Tooktake

In the Press

Read about Lauren’s experience with diagnosis, treatment and the unexpected challenges of survivorship on the Dr. Susan Love Foundation blog.

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Lauren shared her journey and plans for the future with Jenny & Sheena, the hosts of the podcast And Then We Had Kids, in their Breast Cancer Awareness Month episode.


Learn how a conversation in a forest with her husband inspired Lauren in the creation of the Giv Shoppe in this feature in Cancer Wellness Magazine.

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Read Lauren's interview with CanvasRebel focused on inspiring entrepreneurs and creatives.

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Lauren shared her story, starting from the unsettling discovery of a lump during a routine yoga practice to her diagnosis of stage 3, triple-positive breast cancer at the young age of 29.


Katie Cassman, Your Guide for all things on the North Shore gave a shout out to 6 Mom-Owned Businesses on the NS in her April 26th newsletter. Check out who was on the list!

Meet a Mom, Giving Back with Lauren Lopriore, Survivor, Founder of Liv & Let and Giv Shoppe.

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Read Lauren's interview with Bold Journey and their chat about self-care and how it has impacted her.

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2024 Holiday

Giv Shoppe's first feature in Patch, Downers Grove, Founder Lauren's home town, promoting the Esker oil and dry brush set.

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Last-minute gift ideas for 2024- Bloom Tampa Bay. Finding the perfect gift can be a challenge, especially as time runs out. The Esker dry brush and oil was included in the rounded up of thoughtful and unique options for every person on your list. Whether they’re into skincare, tech, food, or home upgrades, this guide has you covered.

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Looks who was included in "Last-minute gift ideas for 2024"- Yahoo! life!

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Join the Giv Community

Here’s to survivors, previvors and caregivers.
See how we support, celebrate and champion those impacted by cancer.